Ansible is a powerful open-source automation tool that simplifies IT infrastructure management and application deployment. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of setting up Ansible on a master EC2 instance and using it to ping two host instances. Additionally, we will cover some essential Ansible ad-hoc commands.
EC2 Instances:
Create three EC2 instances on Amazon AWS: one as the Ansible master and two as hosts.
SSH to Master Instance:
- Connect to the Ansible master instance using SSH.
ssh -i "your-key.pem" ubuntu@your-master-ip
Installing Ansible
Install Ansible:
- Add the Ansible repository and install Ansible.
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ansible
Verify Installation:
- Confirm that Ansible is installed successfully.
ansible --version
Setting Up Ansible Configuration
Transfer PEM File:
- Copy the PEM file from your local machine to the master instance.
scp -i "your-key.pem" your-key.pem ubuntu@your-master-ip:/home/ubuntu/keys
Edit Ansible Hosts File:
- Open the Ansible hosts file for editing.
sudo vim /etc/ansible/hosts
Configure Hosts:
- Add the following lines to the hosts file to define the hosts in a group named 'servers.'
host_1 ansible_host=your-host-1-ip
host_2 ansible_host=your-host-2-ip
Change PEM File Permissions:
- Restrict permissions on the PEM file.
chmod 400 your-key.pem
Ping Hosts:
- Verify connectivity by pinging the hosts in the 'servers' group.
ansible -m ping servers
- The ping should be successful.
Ansible Ad-hoc Commands
Ping Multiple Servers
Ad-hoc Ping Command:
- Use the following Ansible ad-hoc command to ping three servers from the inventory file.
ansible -m ping -i /etc/ansible/hosts host_1 host_2 another_host
Check Uptime
Ad-hoc Uptime Command:
- Check the uptime of the servers using the ad-hoc command.
ansible -m command -a "uptime" -i /etc/ansible/hosts servers
Congratulations! You have successfully configured Ansible on a master EC2 instance and pinged two host instances. Additionally, you've learned how to execute Ansible ad-hoc commands to perform tasks on multiple servers. Ansible's simplicity and power make it an invaluable tool for automating infrastructure management tasks. Explore further to harness its full potential in your environment.
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